Using LocalSync

Cloud applications are a natural fit for cloud storage like Goolge Drive or Dropbox. However, there can be situations, when it is more convenient to open it from or save it directly to the local drive on a computer you are currently using. LocalSync is a feature that allows you to do exactly that with an application running on rollApp.

Since applications running in the cloud do not have access to files stored locally there are additional steps involved in making things happen.

Opening files from local computer

To open a file in an applciation running in the cloud on rollApp it first needs to be uploaded to the application. To do that click the “Upload” icon in the rollApp toolbar:

LocalSync upload

Once the upload completes you will get a notification. Then you can use following steps to open the file:

  • click the icon in the application's toolbar or select File/Open from the menu
  • navigate to the folder named LocalSync
  • select the file you just uploaded and click “Open”

LocalSync open

If you upload several files, you will see all of them in the LocalSync folder. All files uploaded to LocalSync are deleted, when the application is closed.

Saving files to local computer (with rollApp Premium)

To download a file you created or edited with a cloud application simply save to the LocalSync folder. In a few moments the download will start and your browser will show Save file dialog for you to choose where to save your file.

Each time a file is written to the LocalSync folder a download for that file will be triggered. For instance, if you saved a file to LocalSync, downloaded it and continue editing, when you press Ctrl+S the download will start for the updated file.

Saving files via LocalSync is only available to subscribers of rollApp Premium.